
Several Thuggish Game Modes
Driver offers several ways to
experience the game such as missions, free play, or undercover (the story
mode). In mission mode you are allowed to select from a variety of missions
including pursuit, getaway, and destruction. In destruction mode your goal is
to cause as much damage to the surroundings as you can in the allowed time.
Missions are received on your answering machine in story mode and can be
accepted or saved for later.
If you just want to drive around
causing havoc then free play is the choice for you. Free play allows you to
pick a city and just roam the streets at will without timers or missions. In
all modes your car does have a limit to how much damage it can take before you
must start over so keep that in mind when you're deciding whether or not to ram
the car in front of you.
It's a Challenge Outrunning the Cops
The large size and variety of maps mean there
will be plenty of exploring for you to do in free play. Running from the police
can be a game in itself. Using high speed maneuvers in an effort to “lose your
tail” is one of the most challenging aspects of this game. In addition to
practicing your getaway skills, you can also become better acquainted with the
map. Knowing the map can make missions easier during the story mode.
Lack of Instructions are a Bummer
Driver does have a few drawbacks.
The game doesn't make this clear, but the first screen you come to is the main
menu and has the options tab to make any adjustments to controls, sound, video
and so on.
At first the game can be
frustratingly difficult if you are unfamiliar with the terms used (slalom,
speed, brake check) . You are given a list of actions to perform with your car
before you can continue and a one minute timer in which to complete them. No
other instructions are given so the player is left to their own devices to
figure out what to do. Once you have completed the assigned tasks in your one
minute timer you can be assured that you are now a professional driver worthy
of any of the game's challenges.
Conclusion - Story and Freeplay are Where
It's At
Driver offers an experience full of
high speed chases, precision driving techniques and lots of destruction.
Storyline missions and free roam play make a winning combination. So as long as
you stick to a combination of storyline and free play this game will provide
nearly unlimited entertainment.System Requirement
Processor= 400MHz
RAM= 128MB
Graphics Card= 16MBInstruction
1-) Download & Install The Game !
2-) Dont Start The Game After Installing !
3-) Copy All Files In Crack Folder and Paste in
Install Directory !
4-) Run The Game And ENJOY !!!
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