back, and this time, he's moody. Spider-Man 3 ties itself into the new Spidey
film by including some of the key story arcs from the movie. You'll see Peter
Parker get his black suit as well as run into villains like Sandman, New
Goblin, and Venom. But much like Spider-Man 2, the roster of villains doesn't
end there. Scorpion, Lizard, Kingpin, and others all pop up in spots. While it
makes sense for the developers to extend the scope of the story beyond that of
the film, trouble arises when you realize that the film's plot is practically glossed
over. There are 10 individual storylines to play through, but none of them are
paced well, nor do they ever build up or deliver enough of a story to pull it
all together into one cohesive plot. It's almost like a hastily cobbled
together Spider-Man mixtape. You get all the villains, and none of the story
exposition. There's about as much character depth and story perspective here as
is in the film's trailer.
you played any of the recent movie-licensed Spidey games, you'll feel right at
home with Spider-Man 3 from the get-go. Like the previous games, Spider-Man 3
presents you with an open-world version of New York City to swing around in to
your heart's content. Swinging works much as it did in Spider-Man 2, letting
you latch onto nearby buildings and launch quick webs to zip around as you
please. Swinging through the city is easily the best aspect of the entire game.
The city isn't gigantic, but there's enough familiar scenery around to make you
want to explore, and that the city looks excellent is a big plus. Buildings are
nicely detailed, the streets are jam-packed with cars and pedestrians, and the
game uses some nice lighting effects to give the sky, as well as reflections of
the sun off buildings, a rather pretty glow
you swing around, you'll find open mission icons scattered throughout the city.
Fortunately, you don't have to go hunting for them, as there is a city map that
lets you target any mission icon available to you. Though Spider-Man 3 doesn't
change its formula much from previous games, the one big change for the better
this time around is the game's structure. No longer are you forced to complete
random side missions to get new story missions to unlock. The story missions
and side missions are treated independently from one another, so you need only
beat story missions to unlock more story missions. The story itself is a good
10 to 12 hours long, even if you never engage in any of the side missions, so
you're not forced to sit through padded content that just makes the game longer.
Side missions are still worth doing if you need a change of pace from the
story, and there's still plenty of random crime floating about the city to take
care of. The one bummer is that few of these random crimes or side missions
deviate very far from the ones found in earlier Spider-Man games, and the few
that do don't really fit terribly well. Even some of the new story missions
seem weirdly out of place. For example, why is Spider-Man now an expert at
disarming bombs?
through New York is as thrilling as ever.One other change to the game is the
addition of contextual minigames. Clearly inspired by the gameplay of God of
War, Spider-Man will now engage in scripted events of acrobatic and combative
heroism, and all you have to do is press a few buttons in time with the icons
that appear onscreen. One example is Spider-Man having to leap through an
impossibly complex series of lasers that will trigger an alarm if hit. Just hit
the buttons or analog stick movements that pop up, and you're good to go. These
new sequences aren't a bad addition, though they could have been implemented
better. There's often very little warning as to when one of these situations is
about to pop up, so there tends to be a trial-and-error aspect to them. The
icons can occasionally be difficult to discern, as well, specifically if the
game is using analog-stick icons. If there's a lot of crazy action happening
onscreen, it can be tough to see exactly which direction the game wants you to
go, let alone act quickly enough to pull off the move. Fortunately, the game
almost never starts you back any further than the beginning of the minigame
sequence you just started, so the punishment for failure is minor.

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